
oUR mission

  • Find innovative methods to mobilize and weave together local, Indigenous and scientific knowledges
  • Support individuals and organizations in the development of quality projects based on sustainable and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities
  • Collaborate with local and Indigenous communities to design and establish projects that are based on their interests and knowledge
  • Sensitize individuals and non-Indigenous collectivities to Indigenous realities
  • Foster knowledge transfer and capacity building within communities

OUR philosophY

Rely on respectful collaboration and benefit from the strengths of our respective knowledges

15 years of expertise

Catherine-Alexandra Gagnon Ph. D.

Catherine-Alexandra Gagnon owns a vast expertise in working collaboratively with Indigenous communities.

Owing to 15 years of work experience, from Mongolia to the Canadian North, she has developed a deep interest in the various forms of knowledge that humans have developed to understand and manage their environment. She is particularly interested in finding innovative ways to weave together Indigenous and local knowledge with scientific knowledge, as well as in knowledge co-production and community-based environmental monitoring.

Inspired by the concept of social capital, she works towards raising respect and trust between communities, and among the various actors involved in environmental monitoring and management.

thEorEtical and practical training

Catherine-Alexandra earned an interdisciplinary PhD in environmental sciences and a master's in wildlife management at Université du Québec à Rimouski, a bachelor in wildlife biology from McGill University and a certificate in Indigenous studies from Université de Montréal.

During her studies, she worked actively with communities. Her research focused on the knowledge of Inuit, Inuvialuit and Gwich'in Elders and hunters from Nunavut, the Northwest-Territories and the Yukon.

for expert services regarding your community-based projects.